REST API Core Concepts

The following information is essential to understanding how the CloudThing API works.

Base URL

This API is accesible via /api/v1. The full path for example tenant vanilla-ice would be:


API uses following HTTP verbs (methods):

Method Target Action
GET collection Retrieves collection.
GET item Retrieves single item.
POST collection Creates new item in collection.
POST item Updates item.
DELETE item Deletes item.


API does not support PUT since it is not possible to replace objects and PATCH which as we believe is commonly misunderstood and being used in wrong way (for updates).

Serialization format

Currently REST API uses only JSON as serialization format and requires proper Content-Type (POST) and Accept (POST, GET) headers in every client request.


HTTP API accepts only encrypted (TLS) requests. All HTTP non-TLS requests will be redirected. The HTTP server listens on standard port 443 of tenant’s virtual host.


Note that due to redirection of HTTP request port 80 is open, so your credentials will still be exposed if you send request without TLS encryption.

Authentication & authorization

CloudThing REST API supports Basic and Bearer (JWT) authentication. Since API can be used with not only API keys but also users’ (official and end) credentials, one should provide following authorization data.

Basic auth

Requester Username Password Header & query
API key key secret Header: Authorization: Basic base64({key}:{secret})
Official user email password Header: Authorization: Basic base64({email}:{password})
User email password Header: Authorization: Basic base64({email}:{password}), Query: application=applicationId

JWT token auth

To obtain JWT token one should send POST request to /api/v1/auth/token endpoint with Basic auth.

Requester Token Header & query
API key/Official user/User access_token Header: Authorization: Bearer {access_token}


When requesting collection you can add additional query parameters:

Attribute Type Default Value Description
limit Integer 25 Requested maximum number of returned items in single response.
page Integer 1 Requested page of returned items.

API will return meta data in top level of object and items in items array. Metadata is:

Attribute Type Valid Value(s) Description
href Link N/A The resource’s fully qualified location URL.
size Integer N/A Number of all items in collection.
limit Integer N/A Requested maximum number of returned items in single response.
page Integer N/A Requested page of returned items in cuurent response.
prev Link N/A The URL to previus page of collection.
next Link N/A The URL to next page of collection.

Retrieving collection:

curl -u "" \
"" \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
  "href": "",
  "size": 3,
  "limit": 2,
  "page": 1,
  "items": [
      "href": ""
      // JSON continues here, trunked for readability
      "href": ""
      // JSON continues here, trunked for readability
  "next": {
    "href": ""

Linking & expanding

CloudThing API implements great linking concept developed by awesome people at Every response (collection or item) is identified by its URL in href field, there is no other id provided. All relations between objects use this method and embed href in JSON object named as relative. It is possible to expand relations in single request (one level only) by providing relation name to expand parameter in query. You can expand several relations by putting them comma-seprated and even paginate and limit results if relation is collection by adding (limit:{limit},offset:{offset}) after relation name.

In short words:

Just hit /api/v1/tenants/current and start exploring!

Link in resource body:

curl -u "" \
"" \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
  "href": "",
  // JSON continues here, trunked for readability
  "tenant": {
    "href": ""

Expanded link in resource body:

curl -u "" \
"" \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
  "href": "",
  // JSON continues here, trunked for readability
  "tenant": {
    "href": ""
    "shortName": "vanilla-ice",
    // JSON continues here, trunked for readability

Expanded link to collection:

curl -u "" \
",page:1)" \
-H 'Accept: application/json'
  "href": "",
  // JSON continues here, trunked for readability
  "clusters": {
    "href": "",
    "size": 3,
    "limit": 2,
    "page": 1,
    "items": [
        "href": ""
        // JSON continues here, trunked for readability
        "href": ""
        // JSON continues here, trunked for readability
    "next": {
      "href": ""



Tenant is an organization on behalf of which user or API key requests data. When registering an account at the organization and user within it are created.

Tenant URL


Tenant Attributes

Attribute Type Valid Value(s) Description
href Link N/A The resource’s fully qualified location URL.
name String 1 < N < 256 characters Full name of Tenant, eg. organization/company name.
shortName String 1 < N <= 63 characters Human-readable unique key. This key is unique and assigned by CloudThing upo registration. If you would like to change it, please contact us.
createdAt String RFC3339 Datetime Indicates when this resource was created.
updatedAt String RFC3339 Datetime Indicates when this resource’s attributes were last modified.
custom Object N/A A custom structure you can store your own custom fields in.
limits Object N/A An embedded object containing information about available limits of tokens, SMSs and emails.
directories Link N/A A link to a Collection of all the Directories mapped to this Tenant.
applications Link N/A A link to a Collection of all the Applications mapped to this Tenant.
products Link N/A A link to a Collection of all the Products mapped to this Tenant.
devices Link N/A A link to a Collection of all the Devices mapped to this Tenant.
analytics Link N/A A link to a Collection of all the Analytics configured for this Tenant.
users Link N/A A link to a Collection of all the Users mapped to this Tenant.
statistics Link N/A A link to a Collection of all the Statstics available for this Tenant.

Tenant Example

      "href": "",
      "name": "'s organization",
      "shortName": "vanilla-ice",
      "createdAt": "2016-05-15T11:18:33Z",
      "updatedAt": "2016-05-15T11:18:33Z",
      "limits": {
            "tokens": {
                    "total": 5,
                    "used": 1
            "sms": {
                    "total": 5,
                    "used": 0
            "emails": {
                    "total": 5,
                    "used": 0
"custom": {

      "directories": {
        "href": ""
      "applications": {
        "href": ""
      "products": {
        "href": ""
      "devices": {
        "href": ""
      "analytics": {
        "href": ""
      "users": {
        "href": ""
"statistics": {
  "href": ""

Tenant Operations

Retrieve A Tenant

Operation Optional Query Parameters Description
GET /tenants/current N/A Retrieves the Tenant associated with the current API key. The response will be a 302 Redirect. You will find the location of the Tenant in a Location header and response body, although most REST libraries and web browsers will automatically issue a request for it.
GET /tenants/{tenantId} N/A Retrieves the Tenant with the specified ID.
Example Query

Retrieves link to current tenant:

curl -u "" \
"" \
-H 'Accept: application/json'


HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Content-Type: application/json

        "tenant": {
                "href": ""

Retrieves tenant:

curl -u "" \
"" \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Using A Tenant for Look-Up

It is possible to retrieve other independent resources using the Tenant for look-up.

Operation Optional Query Parameters Description
GET /tenants/{tenantId}/{resourceName} Pagination, Sorting Retrieves a collection of all of a Tenant’s associated resources of the specified type. Possible resource types are: directories, applications, products, devices, analytics, users, and statistics.
Example Queries

Retrieving a Collection Associated with a Tenant

curl -u "" \
"" \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

This query would retrieve a collection containing all the Products associated with the specified Tenant.



Directory is a container for User and Usergroup resources. Every user is unique by email within Directory only. You can attach Directory to Application for storing end-users accounts. Your accounts for managing CloudThing are also stored in offcial Directory which cannot be deleted.

Directory URL


Directory Attributes

Attribute Type Valid Value(s) Description
href Link N/A The resource’s fully qualified location URL.
name String 1 < N < 256 characters Name of Directory.
createdAt String RFC3339 Datetime Indicates when this resource was created.
updatedAt String RFC3339 Datetime Indicates when this resource’s attributes were last modified.
official Boolean N/A Indicates whether it;s the official Directory or not.
description String N/A The description of Directory which may describes it’s purpose.
custom Object N/A A custom structure you can store your own custom fields in.
tenant Link N/A A link to a Tenant owning this Product.
users Link N/A A link to a Collection of all the Users stored in this Directory.
usergroups Link N/A A link to a Collection of all the Usergroups stored in this Directory.
applications Link N/A A link to a Collection of all the Applications mapped to this Directory.

Directory Example

  "href": "",
  "name": "Smart application directory",
  "createdAt": "2016-05-15T11:18:33Z",
  "updatedAt": "2016-05-15T11:18:33Z",
  "official": false,
  "description": "This directory is used for end-users of our Smart Home application",
  "custom": {

  "tenant": {
    "href": ""
  "users": {
    "href": ""
  "usergroups": {
    "href": ""
  "applications": {
    "href": ""

Directory Operations

Create A Directory

Operation Attributes Description
POST /tenants/{tenantId}/directories Required: name. Optional: description, custom. Creates new directory.

Retrieve A Directory

Operation Optional Query Parameters Description
GET /directories/{directoryId} expand Retrieves the Directory with the specified ID. Expandable links: users, usergroups, applications, tenant.

Update A Directory

Operation Attributes Description
POST /directories/{directoryId} name, description, custom Updates the Directory with the specified ID.

Delete A Directory

Operation Optional Query Parameters Description
DELETE /directories/{directoryId} N/A Deletes the Directory with the specified ID.
Example Query
curl -u "" \
"" \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Using A Directory for Look-Up

It is possible to retrieve other independent resources using the Directory for look-up.

Operation Optional Query Parameters Description
GET /directories/{directoryId}/{resourceName} Pagination, Sorting Retrieves a collection of all of a Directory’s associated resources of the specified type. Possible resource types are: users, usergroups and applications.
Example Queries

Retrieving a Collection Associated with a Directory

curl -u "" \
"" \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

This query would retrieve a collection containing all the Users associated with the specified Directory.



Usergroup is a container for User resources. Every user can belong to many Groups.

Directory URL


Usergroup Attributes

Attribute Type Valid Value(s) Description
href Link N/A The resource’s fully qualified location URL.
name String 1 < N < 256 characters Name of Usergroup.
createdAt String RFC3339 Datetime Indicates when this resource was created.
updatedAt String RFC3339 Datetime Indicates when this resource’s attributes were last modified.
custom Object N/A A custom structure you can store your own custom fields in.
tenant Link N/A A link to the Tenant owning this Usergroup.
directory Link N/A A link to the Directory this Usergroup is stored in.
users Link N/A A link to a Collection of all the Users assigned to this Usergroup.
memberships Link N/A A link to a Collection of all the Memberships of this Usergroup.

Usergroup Example

  "href": "",
  "name": "Home owners",
  "createdAt": "2016-05-15T11:18:33Z",
  "updatedAt": "2016-05-15T11:18:33Z",
  "custom": {

  "tenant": {
    "href": ""
  "directory": {
    "href": ""
  "users": {
    "href": ""
  "memberships": {
    "href": ""

Usergroup Operations

Create A Usergroup

Operation Attributes Description
POST /directories/{directoryId}/usergroups Required: name. Optional: custom. Creates new usergroup.

Retrieve A Usergroup

Operation Optional Query Parameters Description
GET /usergroups/{usergroupId} expand Retrieves the Usergroup with the specified ID. Expandable links: users, memberships, directory, tenant.

Update A Usergroup

Operation Attributes Description
POST /usergroups/{usergroupId} name, custom Updates the Usergroup with the specified ID.

Delete A Usergroup

Operation Optional Query Parameters Description
DELETE /usergroups/{usergroupId} N/A Deletes the Usergroup with the specified ID.
Example Query
curl -u "" \
"" \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Using A Usergroup for Look-Up

It is possible to retrieve other independent resources using the Usergroup for look-up.

Operation Optional Query Parameters Description
GET /usergroups/{usergroupId}/{resourceName} Pagination, Sorting Retrieves a collection of all of a Usergroup’s associated resources of the specified type. Possible resource types are: users and memberships.
Example Queries

Retrieving a Collection Associated with a Usergroup

curl -u "" \
"" \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

This query would retrieve a collection containing all the Users associated with the specified Usergroup.



User represents a real person’s account - either managing CloudThing’s Tenant ot using end solutions.

User URL


User Attributes

Attribute Type Valid Value(s) Description
href Link N/A The resource’s fully qualified location URL.
email String 1 < N < 256 characters User’s email address.
firstName String 1 < N < 256 characters User’s first name.
surname String 1 < N < 256 characters User’s surname.
createdAt String RFC3339 Datetime Indicates when this resource was created.
updatedAt String RFC3339 Datetime Indicates when this resource’s attributes were last modified.
activated Boolean N/A Indicates wheter user activated the account (eg. by email verification).
custom Object N/A A custom structure you can store your own custom fields in.
tenant Link N/A A link to the Tenant owning this User.
directory Link N/A A link to the Directory this User is stored in.
applications Link N/A A link to a Collection of all the Applications this User has access to.
usergroups Link N/A A link to a Collection of all the Usergroups this User belongs to.
memberships Link N/A A link to a Collection of all the Memberships of this User.
devices Link N/A A link to a Collection of all the Devices this User has rights to.

User Example

  "href": "",
  "email": "",
  "firstName": "John",
  "surname": "Doe",
  "createdAt": "2016-05-15T11:18:33Z",
  "updatedAt": "2016-05-15T11:18:33Z",
  "activated": true,
  "custom": {

  "tenant": {
    "href": ""
  "directory": {
    "href": ""
  "applications": {
    "href": ""
  "usergroups": {
    "href": ""
  "memberships": {
    "href": ""
  "devices": {
    "href": ""

User Operations

Create A User

Operation Attributes Description
POST /directories/{directoryId}/users Required: email, password. Optional: firstName, surname, custom. Creates new user.

Retrieve A User

Operation Optional Query Parameters Description
GET /users/current N/A Retrieves the User associated with the current authorization data. The response will be a 302 Redirect. You will find the location of the User in a Location header and response body, although most REST libraries and web browsers will automatically issue a request for it.
GET /users/{userId} expand Retrieves the Usergroup with the specified ID. Expandable links: applications, usergroups, memberships, devices, directory, tenant.

Update A User

Operation Attributes Description
POST /users/{userId} email, password, firstName, surname, custom Updates the User with the specified ID.

Delete A User

Operation Optional Query Parameters Description
DELETE /users/{userId} N/A Deletes the User with the specified ID.
Example Query

Retrieves link to current User:

curl -u "" \
"" \
-H 'Accept: application/json'


HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Content-Type: application/json

  "user": {
    "href": ""
curl -u "" \
"" \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Using A User for Look-Up

It is possible to retrieve other independent resources using the User for look-up.

Operation Optional Query Parameters Description
GET /users/{userId}/{resourceName} Pagination, Sorting Retrieves a collection of all of a User’s associated resources of the specified type. Possible resource types are: applications, devices, usergroups and memberships.
Example Queries

Retrieving a Collection Associated with a User

curl -u "" \
"" \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

This query would retrieve a collection containing all the Applications associated with the specified User.



Membership represents assignment of User to Usergroup.

Membership URL


Membership Attributes

Attribute Type Valid Value(s) Description
href Link N/A The resource’s fully qualified location URL.
createdAt String RFC3339 Datetime Indicates when this resource was created.
updatedAt String RFC3339 Datetime Indicates when this resource’s attributes were last modified.
user Link N/A A link to the User this Membership is about.
usergroup Link N/A A link to the Usergroup this Membership is about.

Membership Example

  "href": "",
  "createdAt": "2016-05-15T11:18:33Z",
  "updatedAt": "2016-05-15T11:18:33Z",
  "user": {
    "href": ""
  "usergroup": {
    "href": ""

Membership Operations

Create A Membership

Operation Attributes Description
POST /usergroups/{usergroupId}/memberships Required: user. Assigns given user to usergroup.
POST /users/{userId}/memberships Required: usergroup. Assigns user to given usergroup.

Retrieve A Membership

Operation Optional Query Parameters Description
GET /memberships/{membershipId} expand Retrieves the Membership with the specified ID. Expandable links: user, usergroup.

Delete A Membership

Operation Optional Query Parameters Description
DELETE /memberships/{membershipId} N/A Deletes the Membership with the specified ID.
Example Query
curl -u "" \
"" \
-H 'Accept: application/json'



API keys are used for authorization during CloudThing API operations.



API Key Attributes

Attribute Type Valid Value(s) Description
href Link N/A The resource’s fully qualified location URL.
name String 1 < N < 256 characters Name of API key.
key String 25 characters API key.
secret String 32 characters API secret. May be obtained only once in response for API key create request.
createdAt String RFC3339 Datetime Indicates when this resource was created.
updatedAt String RFC3339 Datetime Indicates when this resource’s attributes were last modified.
status String (enum) ENABLED, DISABLED Presents status of API key.
description String N/A The description of API key which may describes it’s purpose.
custom Object N/A A custom structure you can store your own custom fields in.
tenant Link N/A A link to a Tenant owning this API key.

API key Example

  "href": "",
  "name": "CRM key",
  "key": "cJyGHVM1yIKoGQZowZXQz934e",
  "secret": "sIe7QxDach1l4xNzmrKNTH5TVn9eV9PJ",
  "createdAt": "2016-05-15T11:18:33Z",
  "updatedAt": "2016-05-15T11:18:33Z",
  "status": "ENABLED",
  "description": "This API key is used in our custom CRM integration",
  "custom": {

  "tenant": {
    "href": ""


The API key secret will be returned only once as a part of response for API key create request. You will not be able to retrieve that secret again. You can also create API key and download secret through CloudThing Control Center web application or CloudThing CLI.

API key Operations

Create An API key

Operation Attributes Description
POST /tenants/{tenantId}/apikeys Optional: name, description, custom, status. Creates new API key.

Retrieve An API key

Operation Optional Query Parameters Description
GET /apikeys/{apikeyId} expand Retrieves the API key with the specified ID. Expandable links: tenant.

Update An API key

Operation Attributes Description
POST /apikeys/{apikeyId} name, description, custom, status Updates the API key with the specified ID.

Delete An API key

Operation Optional Query Parameters Description
DELETE /apikeys/{apikeyId} N/A Deletes the API key with the specified ID.
Example Query
curl -u "" \
"" \
-H 'Accept: application/json'



Application is a resource representing real-world application or integration with it’s own resources and limited access to tenants’ data. You can attach a Directory of Users to Application and use it to limit scope of operations for them.

Application URL


Application Attributes

Attribute Type Valid Value(s) Description
href Link N/A The resource’s fully qualified location URL.
name String 1 < N < 256 characters Name of Application.
createdAt String RFC3339 Datetime Indicates when this resource was created.
updatedAt String RFC3339 Datetime Indicates when this resource’s attributes were last modified.
official Boolean N/A Indicates whether it’s the official Application or not. Visible only for Api Key or offical User.
status String (enum) ENABLED, DISABLED Indicates whether Application is enabled or not. Visible only for Api Key or offical User.
description String N/A The description of Application which may describes it’s purpose.
custom Object N/A A custom structure you can store your own custom fields in.
tenant Link N/A A link to a Tenant owning this Product.
directory Link N/A A link to a Directory attached to this Application if exists.
devices Link N/A A link to a Collection of all the Devices available in this Application (if requester is Api Key or offical User) or assigned to current User (if requester is User).
clusters Link N/A A link to a Collection of all the Clusters created in this Application (if requester is Api Key or official User) or owned by current User (if requester is User).
exports Link N/A A link to a Collection of all the Exports created for this Application. Visible only for Api Key or offical User.

Application Example

  "href": "",
  "name": "Smart home application",
  "createdAt": "2016-05-15T11:18:33Z",
  "updatedAt": "2016-05-15T11:18:33Z",
  "official": false,
  "status": "ENABLED",
  "description": "This application is our Smart Home app for end-users",
  "custom": {

  "tenant": {
    "href": ""
  "directory": {
    "href": ""
  "devices": {
    "href": ""
  "clusters": {
    "href": ""
  "exports": {
    "href": ""

Application Operations

Create An Application

Operation Attributes Description
POST /tenants/{tenantId}/applications Required: name. Optional: description, custom, status, directory. Creates new application.

Retrieve An Application

Operation Optional Query Parameters Description
GET /applications/{applicationId} expand Retrieves the Application with the specified ID. Expandable links: devices, clusters, exports, tenant, directory.

Update An Application

Operation Attributes Description
POST /applications/{applicationId} name, description, custom, status, directory Updates the Application with the specified ID.

Delete An Application

Operation Optional Query Parameters Description
DELETE /applications/{applicationId} N/A Deletes the Application with the specified ID.
Example Query
curl -u "" \
"" \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Using An Application for Look-Up

It is possible to retrieve other independent resources using the Application for look-up.

Operation Optional Query Parameters Description
GET /applications/{applicationId}/{resourceName} Pagination, Sorting Retrieves a collection of all of an Application’s associated resources of the specified type. Possible resource types are: devices, clusters and exports.
Example Queries

Retrieving a Collection Associated with an Application

curl -u "" \
"" \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

This query would retrieve a collection containing all the Clusters associated with the specified Application.

Associated subresources of Application

It is possible to retrieve subresources of Application

Operation Optional Query Parameters Description
GET /applications/{applicationId}/availableResources Pagination, Sorting Retrieves a set of available in Application resources belonged to Application, Products, Clusters and Groups.
Example Queries

Retrieving an available resources in Application

curl -u "" \
"" \
-H 'Accept: application/json'



Product is a model of your real-world product. You can create particular devices within it.

Product URL


Product Attributes

Attribute Type Valid Value(s) Description
href Link N/A The resource’s fully qualified location URL.
name String 1 < N < 256 characters Name of Product.
createdAt String RFC3339 Datetime Indicates when this resource was created.
updatedAt String RFC3339 Datetime Indicates when this resource’s attributes were last modified.
properties Array(Object) N/A List of objects, each containing: key, name, setOn and unique.
resources Object N/A An embedded object containing information about resources, containd data, events and commands arrays.
extensions Object N/A An embedded object containing information available extensions and their configuration.
custom Object N/A A custom structure you can store your own custom fields in.
tenant Link N/A A link to a Tenant owning this Product.
devices Link N/A A link to a Collection of all the Devices mapped to this Product.
functions Link N/A A link to a Collection of all the Functions mapped to this Product.

Product Example

  "href": "",
  "name": "Smart washing machine",
  "createdAt": "2016-05-15T11:18:33Z",
  "updatedAt": "2016-05-15T11:18:33Z",
  "properties": [
      "key": "macaddr",
      "name": "MAC address",
      "setOn": "MANUFACTURING",
      "unique": true
  "resources": {
    "data": [
        "id": "rpm",
        "name": "Revolutions per minute",
        "description": "Reports current RPM"
    "events": [
        "id": "dmg",
        "name": "Machine damage",
        "description": "Fired if machine damage occurred"
    "commands": [
        "id": "turn",
        "name": "Turn washing",
        "description": "Turns machine on/off",
        "payloads": [
            "name": "on",
            "value": "ON"
            "name": "off",
            "value": "OFF"
  "extensions": {
    "connectors": {
      "sigfox": {
        "autoGenerate": true,
        "contentType": "CUSTOM",
        "parser": {
          "href": ""
        "status": "ENABLED"
  "custom": {

  "tenant": {
    "href": ""
  "devices": {
    "href": ""
  "functions": {
    "href": ""

Product Operations

Create A Product

Operation Attributes Description
POST /tenants/{tenantId}/products Required: name. Optional: properties, resources, custom, extensions. Creates new product.

Retrieve A Product

Operation Optional Query Parameters Description
GET /products/{productId} expand Retrieves the Product with the specified ID. Expandable links: devices, functions, tenant.

Update A Product

Operation Attributes Description
POST /products/{productId} name, properties, resources, custom, `extensions Updates the Product with the specified ID.

Delete A Product

Operation Optional Query Parameters Description
DELETE /products/{productId} N/A Deletes the Product with the specified ID.
Example Query
curl -u "" \
"" \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Using A Product for Look-Up

It is possible to retrieve other independent resources using the Product for look-up.

Operation Optional Query Parameters Description
GET /products/{productId}/{resourceName} Pagination, Sorting Retrieves a collection of all of a Product’s associated resources of the specified type. Possible resource types are: devices and functions.
Example Queries

Retrieving a Collection Associated with a Product

curl -u "" \
"" \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

This query would retrieve a collection containing all the Devices associated with the specified Product.



Device is a single real-world node or other data source implementing Product model.

Device URL


Device Attributes

Attribute Type Valid Value(s) Description
href Link N/A The resource’s fully qualified location URL.
token String 32 characters Device’s token.
activated Boolean N/A Indicates whether device has been activated (by connecting with CloudThing platform).
createdAt String RFC3339 Datetime Indicates when this resource was created.
updatedAt String RFC3339 Datetime Indicates when this resource’s attributes were last modified.
properties Object N/A Object with properties where key is a defined in Product property id.
custom Object N/A A custom structure you can store your own custom fields in.
tenant Link N/A A link to a Tenant owning this Product.
product Link N/A A link to a Product this Device implements.

Device Example

  "href": "",
  "token": "STTPDGtpSNkGpHdasG1BznI0u7w9pK4p",
  "createdAt": "2016-05-15T11:18:33Z",
  "updatedAt": "2016-05-15T11:18:33Z",
  "activated": true,
  "custom": {

  "properties": {
    "macaddr": "00:11:22:33:44:55"
  "tenant": {
    "href": ""
  "product": {
    "href": ""

Device Operations

Create A Device

Operation Attributes Description
POST /products/{productId}/devices Optional: properties, custom. Creates new device.

Retrieve A Device

Operation Optional Query Parameters Description
GET /devices/{deviceId} expand Retrieves the Device with the specified ID. Expandable links: tenant, product.

Update A Device

Operation Attributes Description
POST /devices/{deviceId} properties, custom Updates the Device with the specified ID.

Delete A Device

Operation Optional Query Parameters Description
DELETE /devices/{deviceId} N/A Deletes the Device with the specified ID.
Example Query
curl -u "" \
"" \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Associated endpoints

It is possible to use associated endpoint for retrieving additional data.

Operation Optional Query Parameters Description
GET /devices/{deviceId}/resources/{type}/{name} Pagination, Sorting Retrieves a associated resource of the specified type. Possible resource types are: data, events and commands.
POST /devices/{deviceId}/ownership n/a Binds this device to current user (end-user only). token must be provided in request body.
Example Queries

Retrieving a temperature measured by Device

curl -u "" \
"" \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

This query would retrieve a collection containing lat measurments of temp resource by Device.

Claiming device ownership

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer {jwtToken}" -H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST -d '{"token":"t0k3N0fD3v1C3"}' \
"" \

This request would create bing between user and device.



Cluster is a container for devices which exists in separate context for every Application. Each Device can belong to only one Cluster per Application (eg. Cluster would represent a home or apartment in Smart Home project).

Cluster URL


Cluster Attributes

Attribute Type Valid Value(s) Description
href Link N/A The resource’s fully qualified location URL.
name String 1 < N < 256 characters Cluster’s name.
description String N/A Description of Cluster.
createdAt String RFC3339 Datetime Indicates when this resource was created.
updatedAt String RFC3339 Datetime Indicates when this resource’s attributes were last modified.
custom Object N/A A custom structure you can store your own custom fields in.
tenant Link N/A A link to a Tenant owning this Product.
application Link N/A A link to a Application this Cluster exists within.
users Link N/A A link to a Collection of the Users who has rights to this Cluster.
devices Link N/A A link to a Collection of the Devices which belongs to this Cluster.
groups Link N/A A link to a Collection of the Groups existing within this Cluster.
memberships Link N/A A link to a Collection of the Group Memberships associated with this Cluster.

Cluster Example

  "href": "",
  "name": "NYC apartment",
  "description": "The Does family's New York City apartment",
  "createdAt": "2016-05-15T11:18:33Z",
  "updatedAt": "2016-05-15T11:18:33Z",
  "custom": {

  "tenant": {
    "href": ""
  "application": {
    "href": ""
  "users": {
    "href": ""
  "devices": {
    "href": ""
  "groups": {
    "href": ""
  "memberships": {
    "href": ""

Cluster Operations

Create A Cluster

Operation Attributes Description
POST /applications/{applicationId}/clusters Optional: name, description, custom. Creates new Cluster.

Retrieve A Cluster

Operation Optional Query Parameters Description
GET /clusters/{clusterId} expand Retrieves the Cluster with the specified ID. Expandable links: tenant, application, users, devices, groups, memberships.

Update A Cluster

Operation Attributes Description
POST /clusters/{clusterId} name, description, custom Updates the Cluster with the specified ID.

Delete A Cluster

Operation Optional Query Parameters Description
DELETE /clusters/{clusterId} N/A Deletes the Cluster with the specified ID.
Example Query
curl -u "" \
"" \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Using A Cluster for Look-Up

It is possible to retrieve other independent resources using the Cluster for look-up.

Operation Optional Query Parameters Description
GET /clusters/{clusterId}/{resourceName} Pagination, Sorting Retrieves a collection of all of a Cluster’s associated resources of the specified type. Possible resource types are: devices, users`, ``groups and memberships.
Example Queries

Retrieving a Collection Associated with a Cluster

curl -u "" \
"" \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

This query would retrieve a collection containing all the Devices associated with the specified Cluster.

Cluster Membership


Cluster Membership represents assignment of Device to Cluster.

Cluster Membership URL


Cluster Membership Attributes

Attribute Type Valid Value(s) Description
href Link N/A The resource’s fully qualified location URL.
createdAt String RFC3339 Datetime Indicates when this resource was created.
updatedAt String RFC3339 Datetime Indicates when this resource’s attributes were last modified.
device Link N/A A link to the Device this Cluster Membership is about.
cluster Link N/A A link to the Cluster this Cluster Membership is about.

Cluster Membership Example

  "href": "",
  "createdAt": "2016-05-15T11:18:33Z",
  "updatedAt": "2016-05-15T11:18:33Z",
  "device": {
    "href": ""
  "cluster": {
    "href": ""

Cluster Membership Operations

Create A Cluster Membership

Operation Attributes Description
POST /clusters/{clusterId}/memberships Required: device. Assigns given Device to Cluster.
POST /devices/{deviceId}/clusterMemberships Required: cluster. Assigns Device to given Cluster.

Retrieve A Cluster Membership

Operation Optional Query Parameters Description
GET /clusterMemberships/{membershipId} expand Retrieves the Cluster Membership with the specified ID. Expandable links: device, cluster.

Delete A Cluster Membership

Operation Optional Query Parameters Description
DELETE /clusterMemberships/{membershipId} N/A Deletes the Cluster Membership with the specified ID.
Example Query
curl -u "" \
"" \
-H 'Accept: application/json'



Group is a container for devices of the same Cluster. Each Device can belong to several Groups within one Cluster (eg. Group would represent a room in Smart Home project).

Group URL


Group Attributes

Attribute Type Valid Value(s) Description
href Link N/A The resource’s fully qualified location URL.
name String 1 < N < 256 characters Group’s name.
description String N/A Description of Group.
createdAt String RFC3339 Datetime Indicates when this resource was created.
updatedAt String RFC3339 Datetime Indicates when this resource’s attributes were last modified.
custom Object N/A A custom structure you can store your own custom fields in.
tenant Link N/A A link to a Tenant owning this Group.
application Link N/A A link to a Application this Group exists within.
cluster Link N/A A link to a Cluster this Group exists within.
devices Link N/A A link to a Collection of the Devices which belongs to this Group.

Group Example

  "href": "",
  "name": "Living room",
  "description": "Living room in New York City apartment",
  "createdAt": "2016-05-15T11:18:33Z",
  "updatedAt": "2016-05-15T11:18:33Z",
  "custom": {

  "tenant": {
    "href": ""
  "application": {
    "href": ""
  "cluster": {
    "href": ""
  "devices": {
    "href": ""

Group Operations

Create A Group

Operation Attributes Description
POST /clusters/{clusterId}/groups Optional: name, description, custom. Creates new Group.

Retrieve A Group

Operation Optional Query Parameters Description
GET /groups/{groupId} expand Retrieves the Group with the specified ID. Expandable links: tenant, application, cluster, devices.

Update A Group

Operation Attributes Description
POST /groups/{groupId} name, description, custom Updates the Group with the specified ID.

Delete A Group

Operation Optional Query Parameters Description
DELETE /groups/{groupId} N/A Deletes the Group with the specified ID.
Example Query
curl -u "" \
"" \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

Using A Group for Look-Up

It is possible to retrieve other independent resources using the Group for look-up.

Operation Optional Query Parameters Description
GET /groups/{groupId}/{resourceName} Pagination, Sorting Retrieves a collection of all of a Group’s associated resources of the specified type. Possible resource types are: devices.
Example Queries

Retrieving a Collection Associated with a Group

curl -u "" \
"" \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

This query would retrieve a collection containing all the Devices associated with the specified Group.

Group Membership


Group Membership represents assignment of Device to Group.

Group Membership URL


Group Membership Attributes

Attribute Type Valid Value(s) Description
href Link N/A The resource’s fully qualified location URL.
createdAt String RFC3339 Datetime Indicates when this resource was created.
updatedAt String RFC3339 Datetime Indicates when this resource’s attributes were last modified.
device Link N/A A link to the Device this Group Membership is about.
group Link N/A A link to the Group this Group Membership is about.

Group Membership Example

  "href": "",
  "createdAt": "2016-05-15T11:18:33Z",
  "updatedAt": "2016-05-15T11:18:33Z",
  "device": {
    "href": ""
  "group": {
    "href": ""

Group Membership Operations

Create A Group Membership

Operation Attributes Description
POST /groups/{groupId}/memberships Required: device. Assigns given Device to Group.
POST /devices/{deviceId}/groupMemberships Required: group. Assigns Device to given Group.

Retrieve A Group Membership

Operation Optional Query Parameters Description
GET /groupMemberships/{membershipId} expand Retrieves the Group Membership with the specified ID. Expandable links: device, group.

Delete A Group Membership

Operation Optional Query Parameters Description
DELETE /groupMemberships/{membershipId} N/A Deletes the Group Membership with the specified ID.
Example Query
curl -u "" \
"" \
-H 'Accept: application/json'



Export represents access level for different resources granted to Application .

Export URL


Export Attributes

Attribute Type Valid Value(s) Description
href Link N/A The resource’s fully qualified location URL.
createdAt String RFC3339 Datetime Indicates when this resource was created.
updatedAt String RFC3339 Datetime Indicates when this resource’s attributes were last modified.
modelType String (enum) DEVICE, GROUP, CLUSTER Type of exported resource owner.
product Link N/A A link to a Product if modelType is DEVICE.
limitsType String (enum) DEVICE, GROUP, CLUSTER Type of container limiting exporting resources.
limits Link N/A A link to a Device if limitsType is DEVICE, a Group if limitsType is GROUP or a Cluster if limitsType is CLUSTER.
export Array (Object) N/A An array of objects defining exported resources.
tenantExportingPermission String (enum) PRIMARY, EXPORT Indicates wheter exporting Tenant has a primary permission for this resource or imported it.
tenantExporting Link N/A A link to a Tenant owning this Product.
application Link N/A A link to a Application importing this Export.

Export Example

  "href": "",
  "modelType": "DEVICE",
  "createdAt": "2016-05-15T11:18:33Z",
  "updatedAt": "2016-05-15T11:18:33Z",
  "product": {
    "href": ""
  "limitsType": "CLUSTER",
  "limits": {
    "href": ""
  "export": [
      "type": "DATA",
      "name": "temp",
      "read": true,
      "write": true,
      "grantRead": false,
      "grantWrite": false
      "type": "COMMAND",
      "name": "turn",
      "read": true,
      "write": true,
      "grantRead": true,
      "grantWrite": false
      "type": "PROPERTY",
      "name": "macaddr",
      "read": true,
      "write": false,
      "grantRead": false,
      "grantWrite": false
  "tenantExportingPermission": "PRIMARY",
  "tenantExporting": {
    "href": ""
  "application": {
    "href": ""

Export Operations

Create An Export

Operation Attributes Description
POST /applications/{applicationId}/exports Required: modelType, export, tenantExportingPermission. Required if modelType is DEVICE: product. Optional: limitsType, limits. Creates new Export.

Retrieve An Export

Operation Optional Query Parameters Description
GET /exports/{exportId} expand Retrieves the Export with the specified ID. Expandable links: product, limits, application, tenantExporting.

Update An Export

Operation Attributes Description
POST /exports/{exportId} modelType, export, product, limitsType, limits Updates the Export with the specified ID.

Delete An Export

Operation Optional Query Parameters Description
DELETE /exports/{exportId} N/A Deletes the Export with the specified ID.
Example Query
curl -u "" \
"" \
-H 'Accept: application/json'



Firmware represents binary firmware file for devices

Firmware URL


Firmware Attributes

Attribute Type Valid Value(s) Description
href Link N/A The resource’s fully qualified location URL.
createdAt String RFC3339 Datetime Indicates when this resource was created.
updatedAt String RFC3339 Datetime Indicates when this resource’s attributes were last modified.
size Number >0 Size of firmware image.
md5 String N/A A md5 sum of firmware image.
module String N/A Name of the module firmware image is valid for.
version String N/A Version of firmware image.
product Link N/A A link to a Product this Firmware is associated with.
tenant Link N/A A link to a Tenant owning this Firmware.

Firmware Example

  "href": "",
  "createdAt": "2016-05-15T11:18:33Z",
  "updatedAt": "2016-05-15T11:18:33Z",
  "product": {
    "href": ""
  "size": 1445864,
  "md5": "4de8a06df40a257e31263c11be12d77a",
  "module": "rootfs",
  "version": "v1.3.7",
  "tenant": {
    "href": ""

Firmware Operations

Create A Firmware

Operation Attributes Description
POST /products/{productId}/firmwares Required: module, version. Creates new Firmware.
POST /firmwares/{firmwareId}/blob Content-Type: multipart/form-data, Required: file. Uploads new Firmware image.

Retrieve A Firmware

Operation Optional Query Parameters Description
GET /firmwares/{firmwareId} expand Retrieves the Firmware with the specified ID. Expandable links: product, tenant.
GET /firmwares/{firmwareId}/blob N/A Downloads Firmware image.

Update A Firmware

Operation Attributes Description
POST /firmwares/{firmwareId} module, version Updates the Firmware with the specified ID.

Delete A Firmware

Operation Optional Query Parameters Description
DELETE /firmwares/{firmwareId} N/A Deletes the Firmware with the specified ID.
Example Query
curl -u "" \
"" \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

MQTT Pub/Sub API Reference